Taxation on financial instruments
Personal Income Tax Return of Individuals on Financial Instruments, tax year 2017
Codes 291-292
Dividends (before tax) of domestic origin. Report the profits distributed by domestic companies of all legal forms, gross amount before deduction of 15% tax.
Codes 295-296
Dividends (before tax) of foreign origin.
Report, as above, the distribution of profits by foreign companies.
Codes 667-668
Interest (before tax) of domestic origin.
Interest earned from any cause is declared, e.g. interest on bank deposits, interest on loans, interest on loans, interest awarded etc., gross amount before deduction of 15% tax.
Codes 669-670
Interest (before tax) of foreign origin.
Report, as above, interest earned abroad
Codes 293-294
Tax withheld on dividends of domestic origin. The tax withheld by the domestic company that made the distribution of profits is declared
Codes 297-298
Tax withheld in Greece. Report any tax withheld by a domestic financial institution on the importation of the dividend in Greece.
Codes 675-676
Tax withheld on interest of domestic origin. Report the tax withheld on interest received in Greece.
Codes 677-678
Tax withheld in Greece for interest of foreign origin.
The tax withheld in Greece by a domestic financial institution upon importation of the interest in Greece.
Codes 683-684
Tax withheld in a foreign country on income (dividends, interest and royalties) from a foreign country that is also taxable in Greece.
Declare the tax withheld on the above income if it was earned in foreign countries that have the right to tax.
Codes 829-830
Gain from the transfer of domestic securities.
The gain from the sale of securities under article 42 of Law4172/2013 (Income Taxation Code ) is to be completed when the securities have been issued by a domestic company.
Codes 865-866
Gain from the transfer of foreign securities.
Gain from the sale of securities under article 42 of Law4172/2013 (I.T.C.), when the securities have been issued by a foreign company.
Codes 867-868
Tax withheld on the gain from the transfer of foreign securities from countries where Greece has the right to tax.
Enter any tax paid or withheld on the transfer of securities abroad, in a country where the transfer was taxable.
Codes 871-872
Loss from the transfer of domestic and foreign securities, which may be carried forward for 5 years, in order to be offset against profit from the same cause
Loss from the sale of securities under article 42 of Law No.4172/2013 (I.T.C.), which may be carried forward for five (5) years in order to be offset against profits from the same cause.
Codes 743-744
Fill in the total amount you paid (in cash) in 2017 for the purchase of businesses or the establishment or capital increase of businesses operating individually or in the form of a general or limited partnership or limited liability company or a limited liability company or a private limited company or a partnership or a joint venture or a civil partnership or the purchase of shares and securities in general.
Codes 727-728
Fill in the amount of the annual expenditure paid in 2017 for the interest amortization of loans and credits in general. (Margin account spotmarket)
Codes 659-660
The taxpayer must report the following income for which there is no online information:
- Interest on Greek government bonds or Greek government treasury bills
- Gains on the sale of listed shares with a holding of less than 0.5%
- Gains on transfer of listed securities (acquired before 1/1/2009) Foreign income taxable only abroad under the S.A.D.F.
- Tax-free profits from domestic EU/EIF/EEA funds
- Exempt (domestic and imported foreign) dividends of shipping companies
- Gains from the transfer of securities of a tax resident of a country with which there is an S.A.D.F. and he/she is liable to file a return for another reason under article 67 of the C.F.E.
- Gain from the transfer of corporate bonds of n. 3156/2003, as well as corporate bonds of EU and EEA/EEA companies.
- Profit arising on the maturity date of bonds, between their acquisition value and their nominal value when they are held to maturity.
- Other cases
Codes 619-620
Income acquired in 2017, exempt from tax or taxed in a special way as mentioned in the previous paragraph, for which the electronic information has been sent by the payer, is recorded.
Codes 433-434 Enter the tax withheld on the income of codes 659-660 (e.g. interest on the OED-EGED).
Codes 613-614
Enter the tax withheld on the income in codes 619-620.
Codes 781-782
The amounts of money coming from:
1.Disposal of assets Capital used (paid) for the purchase of securities under article 42, as of 01/01/2014 and received by selling them. In case the above securities were purchased until 31/12/2013 the above refunded capital cannot be used to cover presumptions.
2.Loans received by the taxpayer. (Margin account spot market, etc.). When it is a question of covering a difference for asset acquisition costs, it must be proved that the loan was taken out before the relevant expenditure was incurred.
* Labeling
Repayment of paid funds/loans, etc. can only be completed when the amounts were subject to a presumption in the year in which they were granted. In particular, a repayment of company or share capital or a loan amount repaid by the borrower can be declared only if in the years in which these amounts were granted (as paid-up capital for the purchase of a business, the establishment of or participation in a capital increase, the purchase of securities, the granting of loans to anyone), they constituted expenditure on the acquisition of assets and were correctly declared and therefore taken into account in determining the income of the year in which they were paid. Otherwise, any amount paid shall reduce such amounts and only any difference arising shall be shown. In the case of a sale of shares within the tax year under consideration, the amount corresponding to the return of the invested capital shall be entered, provided that they were acquired from 1.1.2014 onwards, while any gain, which constitutes income, shall be entered either in sub-table 4E (if taxable) or in Table 6 (if not taxable), as the case may be.
Codes 429-430
“Other information – amounts of money that do not reduce the annual expenditure”, amounts of money that have been received, but under the current provisions do not cover presumptions. This is only mandatory if these amounts constitute income and are not subject to the special solidarity contribution. Amounts that do not constitute income are optional. The amounts indicated must be supported by appropriate supporting documents, where applicable.
Examples of purchase of securities in the years 2014 – 2017 and sale of in the year 2017
1) Buy 1.000 euro and sell 1.200 euro – Profit 200 euro
For the purchase of 1,000 euros in code743,
For the sale of 1.000 euro to code781 and
EUR 200 in code659
For the purchase of 1,000 euros in code743,
For the sale of 1.000 euro to code781 and
EUR 200 in code829
2) Buy 1,000 euros and sell 900 euros – Loss 100 euros
For the purchase of 1.000 euros to code743 and
for the sale of EUR 900 in code781
For the purchase of 1,000 euros in code743,
For the sale 900 euros to code781 and
the loss of EUR 100 in code871
Examples of purchase of securities to and in the year 2013 and their sale in the year 2017.
1) Buy 1.000 euro and sell 1.200 euro – Profit 200 euro
For the sale of 200 euros in code659
For the sale of 200 euros in code829
2) Buy 1,000 euros and sell 900 euros – Loss 100 euros
For the sale the loss is not declared
For the sale the loss 200 euros in code871